

Le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education Physique, Président du COCAN 20-21, le Pr. Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI,   a effectué une visite de sur ce site le mardi, 23 juin 2020, à l’effet de faire le point des préparatifs de la CAN 2021 dans la poule de Garoua. Accompagné de Jean ABATE EDI’I, Gouverneur de la Région du Nord et Président du Comité de Site de Garoua du Gouverneur, le MINSEP a visité notamment les infrastructures sportives, hôtelières, hospitalières et routières dédiées à la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations de football. A travers ces réalisations, Garoua dévoile déjà ses charmes, à travers notamment le stade rénové de Roumde Adjia flambant neuf et futuriste avec ses 20 000 places et son annexe, son « hôtel 70 chambres » qui brille de mille couleurs avec leurs  routes et voies d’accès en cours d’amélioration significative. Seule préoccupation majeure, les terrains d’entrainement. Le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education  Physique n’a pas caché son émerveillement, tout en donnant des instructions fermes à ce qui doit être rattrapé. Il déclare à cet effet : « Nous sommes satisfaits de la réalisation d’un certain nombre d’infrastructures hôtelières, routières, sportives  et aussi en matière de santé pour l’organisation de la grande compétition internationale qu’est la CAN et dont Garoua est  l’une des villes-hôtes. Mais, en même temps, nous sommes heureux de constater qu’à travers ces réalisations, il y a d’autres objectifs qui sont atteints. Nous le disons parce que nous fréquentons cette ville depuis un certain temps pour la visite des chantiers et nous sommes satisfaits de constater justement qu’il y a une meilleure qualité de l’aménagement de l’espace urbain à travers les voies de circulation, les voies d’accès aux stades et aux autres infrastructures connexes. Il y a en filigrane une attractivité plus importante de la ville de Garoua, notamment un magnifique hôtel de 70 chambres qui a été livré et nous pensons que cet hôtel fera la fierté de cette ville qui est l’un des fleurons de ces réalisations dans la mesure où cet hôtel présente très fière allure. A travers les stades que nous avons visités, et plus particulièrement le complexe de Roumde Adjia, nous avons également une meilleure attractivité, une meilleure compétitivité internationale de la ville en tant que site d’accueil des compétitions sportives internationales. Bien sûr, il reste encore à faire, notamment en ce qui concerne certains terrains d’entrainement que nous venons de visiter. A cet égard, nous avons invité les responsables en charge de la construction de ces terrains à mettre l’accent sur un calendrier d’achèvement des travaux qui sont compatibles non seulement avec les exigences des contrats, mais également avec les exigences calendaires de la CAF car comme je l’ai rappelé, nous sommes censé accueillir la CAN au début de l’année 2021 ».
The minister of Sports and Physical Education- President of the Local Organising Committee of TOTAL 2020 and TOTAL 2021 AFCON (COCAN 20-21), announces the launch of a National artistic contest competition for the proposal of the Official Anthem of Cameroon 2020 Africa Nations Championship. The contest is open as from 1st November 2019 to all Cameroonian plastic arts artists (individual and/ or collective) The registration form and the Special Contest Rules are available at the Directorate of Tournament located at the premises of Yaounde Omnisports Stadium, in the various Regional and Divisional Delegations for Sports and Physical Education and on the website www.minsep.cm The deadline for reception of tender file that are to be submitted in both French or English, is scheduled for 15 November 2019 at 3.30pm./- Registration Special_rules                                                               {phocadownload view=file|id=139|text=Special_rules|target=s} Registration_and_semiological_Description-form                                   {phocadownload view=file|id=138|text=Registration_and_semiological_Description-form|target=s}
New staff takes command  ANTONIO CONCEIÇAO DA SILVA OLIVIERA and his assistance endorsed their contract documents on the 4th of October 2019 in the conference hall of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP) The conference hall of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education witnessed on the 4th of October 2019, the tripartite contract signing ceremony MINSEP – FECAFOOT – Trainer. An event presided over by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Prof Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI in the presence of the Roving Ambassador, Albert Roger MILLA, Officials of MINSEP and FECAFOOT, members of the working team in charge of the selection of the Head Coach of the senior national team and its assistants, members of the sports media and well-wishers.             The ceremony unfolded in two phases; the contract signing proper and the address of the Minister of Sports and Physical Education. Speaking during the occasion, the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Prof Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI came out clear; saying: “Antonio CONCEIÇAO, the mason shall be judged on wall, your priority mission is to reinstate confidence, joy and happiness to the Cameroonian population, to make the Cameroonian supporters, exigent and at times uncertain to dream again by the explosive victories you will achieve”. He prescribe clear and precise objectives to the Portuguese born and his assistants: win the 2021 Cameroon Africa Cup of Nations; qualify Cameroon for the final phases of the World Cup Quarter 2022; improve on Cameroon’s ranking on the FIFA classification table; and ensure particularly during the period of contract to improve considerably the rank of Cameroon at the African level; substantially improve on the game quality of the Indomitable Lions, Watch over the group discipline on the basis of the deontology and ethical code in the course of finalization, ensure in a transparent manner the management of the team and to proceed in the detection of talents in collaboration with National Technical Department. The Minister Sports as well repeated that Cameroon is an immense reservoir of talented players playing all over the world. Only the best, he continued, should merit selection in the national team in all objectivity, rigor, and impartiality. In the same vain, the speaker of day cautioned the technical staff that they should never allow money to be a factor of discord, demobilization or demotivation in the mist of the Indomitable Lions. And that the state is committed to motivate and encourage all athletes who honour the country.  The Portuguese born ANTONIO CONCEIÇAO DA SILVA OLIVIERA, is 58 years old. He accumulates at least 40 years of Experience. He played for 11 years that is from 1980 – 1991 as a professional player in so many clubs in Portugal. On a professional basis, the actual National Trainer of the Indomitable Lions is a holder of UEFA – Pro license. As a Trainer, he won the Romanian Cup in 2009 and 2016 with the Romanian club CFR Cuij as well as the Romanian Super Cup in 2009. The Head coach is seconded in his mission by the Cameroonian born François OMAM BIYICK, a renowned international footballer, a legendary goal maker with 16 years of carrier as player in some Cameroonian clubs and in the diaspora and Jacques SONGO’O the Goalkeeper Trainer. Charming goal porter for the Indomitable Lions, he played in so many clubs in Cameroon, France and Spain. As a goalkeeper of the Indomitable Lions, he has an excellent pathway with the team. His long and rich professional football carrier associated with a formation on the domain of specific Training on goalkeeping, permitted him to accumulate enough experience on the domain. These three technicians shall be accompanied by Dr. JOAO RENATO MARQUES SILVA, Physical Trainer, ALVES ROLAO BALTAZAR, second assistant, ANTHONY DA SILVA, Video analyst and Ferdinand MAKOTA, facilitator and logistic officer. These four technicians, who arrived in the Lion’s den on the express request of the Head Coach shall be taken care of by the Coach concerning their salaries       Taking the floor for the very first time in front of the media men and women, and immediately after his appointment and installation, the Portuguese technician indicated that he is conscious of the actual challenges he shall be facing, he decided to remain open in terms of collaboration with his assistants. He summarized that he is ready to work with all Cameroonian players on condition that they remain discipline and hardworking. His first test shall be realized on the 12 of October 2019 in Tunisia. Cameroon and Tunisia will lurk horns in a friendly. As a remainder and contrary to what is been declared within some media organs, Salomon OLEMBE has not been replaced by Ferdinand MOKOTA in the post of Team Manager of the Indomitable Lions. Certain  is that the former Indomitable Lion is well with the rest of the other staff in Rades.  
A New Boss in Command Promoted on the 30th of September 2019 by decision n° 2019/144/MINSEP, Mr. MBAPPE DIBONGUE Henri, was installed into his new function as Head of the Management Unit of the Yaounde Multipurpose Sports Complex on the 2nd of October 2019 in the VIP hall of the said institution The installation ceremony that was presided over by Mr. BENGA Zachée Robert Theophile, Secretary General of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education, personal representative of the Minister, witnessed the presence of the Roving Ambassador, Albert Roger MILLA, officials of MINSEP, workers of the Warda Multipurpose Sports Complex, PAPOSY, as well as relatives and friends of the new man in command. Speaking during the ceremony, the representative of the Minister of Sports and Physical Education recalled the urgent work sites that need to be handled by MBAPPE DIKONGUE, that included; the finalization of the draft of the organigram of the institution, maintenance of this architectural jewelry, mastery of the personnel of the structure for better management, visibility on the enrollment, and safety measures on the site should be permanent. Concerning the good functioning of the edifice, the secretary General disclosed to the Head of Unit the importance the Minister of Sports and Physical Education holds in relation to values such as punctuality, clarity in the treatment of files, honesty, abnegation and moral rectitude. Born on the 18 of February 1968 in Douala, MBAPPE DIBONGUE Henri is not a stranger at the Yaounde Multipurpose Sports Complex, he was the pioneer Head of this Management Unite that saw the light of day in 2010 after the inauguration of the edifice by the Head of State in 2009. He managed the institution from 2010 right up 2016, date when he was replaced by the outgoing BEA HOOP Jean Fridolin. The new Head of the Management Unit of PAPOSY is an experienced expert on the management and economic policy. The Sports and Physical Education Teacher is as well an International Marketing specialist is a holder of a Masters 2 in Social Psychology obtained in The University of Yaounde I. Mr. MBAPPE DIBONGUE Henri is a professional full of experience, a practitioner on diverse domains, His multidimensional knowledge stems from marketing, business management, project management, events communication, sports infrastructure management. Professional training and academic wise, Mr. MBAPPE DIBONGUE Henri is a holder of a Masters 2 diplomat In International marketing from the Cameroon Institute of International Relations (IRIC), equally a holder a Masters 2 in Social Psychology obtained in The University of Yaounde II where he also obtained a DESS in economic policy. It is worth recalling that his studies at the National Institute of Youth and Sports (NIYS) where sanctioned by the acquisition of a CAPEPS II Diploma. Before his appointment he was an Assistant Director at the Ministry of Arts and Culture. 
The goodbye ceremony to the Under – 17 Baby Lions on their way to the 19th edition of the  Under – 17 World Cup in Football, Brazil 2019 was presided over  by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Prof Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI on the 30th of September 2019 in the Conference hall of his Ministerial department The Under - 17 Cameroon football Lions, on their way to the 19th edition the World Cup, Brazil 2019,  an occasion for them to rewrite once again their story, this time at the World level. They did it in flying colors in 2019 during the Africa Nations Cup that was hosted by Tanzania, lifting the trophy against a no nonsense side Guinea Bissau. This second title, gave the Baby Lions a direct qualification for the Under – 17 World Cup Brazil 2019. Based on this qualification, and just like it used to be, the State through the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education organized a farewell ceremony where in State Blessings are endorsed to the Cameroon ambassadors for Brazil 2019. The ceremony began with the team Captain, Fabrice Mezama thanking the Sports Boss, Prof Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI and the President of the Cameroon Football Federation, Saidou MBOMBO NJOYA for the never-ending support they have often had from the State and the Federation. To this effect, he promised on behalf of his team mates that they were going to do their best during the 2019 World Cup in Brazil.  The Head Coach, Libih Thomas, on his part reinforced the words of the Captain adding that all they needed was the total support of all, for them to be able to realize their exploit.   The Fecafoot boss on his part also expressed satisfaction on the support of the State to the Lions and his Institution as a whole. He hailed the Africa Champions for their successful preparation towards this upcoming World Cup in Brazil. MBOMBO NJOYA continued saying that he is convinced the boys will do their best since the State has done all it takes to give them a successful preparation and participation to this prestigious world rendezvous. Minister Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI, speaking, did not hesitate to re-salute the young ambassadors for their memorable qualification for Brazil 2019 after winning the 2019 Under – 17 AFCON. To be part of this rendezvous that involves the best nations in world shows proof of your braveness, courage and love for country, the Minister mentioned, cautioning the players and the entire staff that the World Cup marks a prestigious moment for all of them as they will be rubbing shoulders with the best footballers in the world in their category. The Minister also lauded the efforts of the Cameroon Football Federation for ensuring a good technical preparation of the squad. In all, the 23 man squad of the baby Lions left the country on the 30th of September 2019, all of them in good health, ready to face other world champions in their category as testified by the team doctor. The Under – 17 Indomitable Lions were drawn in group ‘E’ alongside Spain, Argentina and Tadjikistan. Scheduled to take effect from the 26 of October to the 17 of November, the Lions will have their opener for the 19th edition of the Under – 17 World Cup Brazil 2019 against Tadjikistan on the 29 of October 2019. They will later lurk horns with Argentina and Spain in their second and third outings on the 1st and 3rd of November 2019 respectively.
Conduite par Constant OMARI, le premier vice-président de la CAF, la délégation de l’instance faitière du football africain comprend six autres personnalités. La première vague, comprenant notamment les représentants de Lagardère Sports est arrivée mardi soir à Yaoundé. Les autres membres de la délégation sont attendus ce mercredi.  Pendant quatre jours, les inspecteurs de la CAF visiteront les infrastructures sportives et hôtelières devant abriter le Championnat d’Afrique des Nations. Le programme de cette visite se présente comme suit  : Yaoundé, le jeudi, 26 septembre  2019 ; Douala, le 28 septembre 2019 ; Bafoussam, le 27 septembre 2019 ; Garoua, le 29 septembre 2019. Une rencontre de restitution avec les autorités est prévue le 30 septembre 2019. Depuis le mois de juin 2019, le Cameroun est de plain-pied dans les activités préparatoires de l’organisation de cette compétition avec la signature  le 4 juin 2019 par Président de la République, du Décret n° 2019-295 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du Comité d’Organisation Local du Championnat d’Afrique des Nations de Football « CHAN Total 2020 » et de la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations de Football « CAN Total 2021 » baptisé « COCAN 20-21 ». Par la suite, le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education Physique, Président du COCAN 20-21 a signé le 12 juin 2019, deux décisions : la première portant organisation et fonctionnement de la Direction du Tournoi et la seconde portant nomination du Dr. David NHANACK TONYE au poste de Directeur du Tournoi ainsi que ses deux adjoints, à savoir, Mme Chantal Manda et M. David OJONG.  Interface entre le COCAN 20-21 et la Confédération Africaine de Football, la Direction du Tournoi du CHAN 2020 assure la coordination et le suivi de l’ensemble des activités liées à l’organisation  et au déroulement de la compétition. Elle met également en œuvre les plans d’action des commissions techniques et des comités de sites. Elle comprend en outre un secrétariat technique de 15 membres et des officiers de liaison. Le 16 septembre 2019, le MINSEP, Président du COCAN 20-21 a rendu public  le 14 septembre 2019, la liste des personnalités composant la Commission Centrale d’Organisation du CHAN 2020 qui sera complétée par celle des membres des Commissions Techniques Centrales d’organisation et des Comités de sites. Avec l’organisation de la présente visite d’inspection et la nomination du staff technique des Lions Indomptables A’ le 20 septembre 2019, les préparatifs du CHAN Cameroun 2020 vont atteindre un autre palier. Pour assurer le succès de cette visite d’inspection, le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education Physique, Président du COCAN 20-21 a présidé le 24 septembre 2019, la dernière réunion préparatoire de cette activité. Occasion de rappeler à tous les acteurs les dernières consignes.
COCAN in total mobilization In prelude to the CAF inspection visit scheduled to be carried out from the 26th to the 30th of September 2019 in a bid to evaluate the facilities that shall host the CHAN 2020 and the 2021 AFCON, a series of preparatory meeting chaired by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, President of the COCAN 20 – 21 have been going on in MINSEP. It all started with a seminar that was organized at the Yaoundé Multipurpose Sports Complex on the 18 and 19 of September 2019, which came as a result of the observations noticed on the field by Prof Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI, President of COCAN 20 – 21 during his last supervision tour on the various sites that will host the 2020 Africa Nations Championship (CHAN) and the 2021 Africa Football Cup of Nations (AFCON). The Minister noticed that the presentations of the facilities on the different sites by the different stakeholders where incoherent. Reasons for the necessity of the seminar aimed at harmonizing the methodology of presentation of these infrastructure. This whole process seek to furnish the actors to speak just one language and nothing but the true situation at hand when encountering the CAF emissaries. Minister Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI presiding over the preparatory meetings of the 24th of September at the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education, urged the COCAN members and all the stakeholders to show proof of majority, professionalism and patriotism as they present the facilities to the CAF emissaries during the upcoming inspection visit. It is on this note that the President of COCAN 20 – 21 asked the Director of Tournament for the 2020 Africa Nations Championship, Dr. TONYE David to present the recommendations of the harmonization seminar on the presentation of facilities to all the actors concern. In this respect, the Director of Tournament continued as follows: that the site should be kept clean, he insisted on the security majors which are very discrete, reduction of the seize of the convoy, presentation of certificates of conformity of all the facilities, massive plans of all the sites, preparation of documents to back-up what will be said during presentation, general plan of the hosting site that give the distances between facilities,    The upcoming inspection visit of CAF will commence on the 26th of September and shall end on the 30th of September 2019. This visit concerns just the inspection of sports and hotels facilities in the hosting site of Yaounde, Bafoussam, Douala and Garoua for the 2020 CHAN. According to the program of the visit, facilities of the Yaounde host city will be visited on Thursday the 26th of September. This will be followed by the visitation of Bafoussam site on Friday the 27th of September. The delegation and the CAF messengers are expected on the Douala site on Saturday the 28th of September. Sunday the 29th of September 2019 is reserve for the visitation of the facilities of the Garoua site. The 7 man delegation of the CAF experts, headed by the 1st Vice President of the institution, Constant OMARI ends their inspection visit with the Garoua site. After the restitution encounter with the authorities on Monday the 30th of September 2019, the CAF envoys shall quit the Cameroonian soil in two groups on the 30th of September and the 1st of October 2019.

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