

Decisions to constitute the Yaoundé, Douala and Limbe-Buea Sites Committee of the Africa Nations Football Championship (CHAN) 2020 Decisions Decision-to-constitute-the-Limbe-Buea-Site-Committee-of-the-CHAN-2020 donwload                                                       {phocadownload view=file|id=35|text=Decision-to-constitute-the-Limbe-Buea-Site-Committee-of-the-CHAN-2020 donwload|target=s} Decision to Constitute the Douala Sites Committee of the CHAN 2020 donwload                                                               {phocadownload view=file|id=36|text=Decision to Constitute the Douala Sites Committee of the CHAN 2020 donwload|target=s} Decision-to-Constitute-de-Yaounde-Site-Committee-of-the-CHAN-2020                                                                             {phocadownload view=file|id=37|text=Decision-to-Constitute-de-Yaounde-Site-Committee-of-the-CHAN-2020|target=s}
The sports community has been questioning on the aspects concerning the organisation of the 2020 Africa Nations Championship in Cameroon, notably on the date of commencement and the hosting towns or sites. These questions were answered on the 4th of November 2019 during the installation ceremony of the members of the technical Commissions, monitoring commissions and the Yaounde site Coordinator and his Assistant. Speaking during the ceremony at the Yaounde Multipurpose Sports Complex, the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, President of COCAN 20 -21 presented the road map of the competition. First and famous the date of the competition. The Cameroon 2020 TOTAL CHAN shall take place from the 4th to the 25th of April 2020. The Minister continued with the sites that shall host the competition which included the Yaounde, Douala- Japoma, Douala – Bepanda and Buea – Limbe. Coming back to what motivated the choice of the sites, the Sports Boss clarified that this was based on the report of the last CAF visit that did not only indicated preferential sites of the 2020 CHAN but it also specified their exigencies and priorities. Cameroon from the onset proposed to use the six sites that will host the 2021 AFCON but CAF decided to use just four of the sites as mentioned above. Though kept aside for the 2020 CHAN, the Garoua and Bafoussam sites still remain hosting sites for major sporting competitions and particularly the 2021 AFCON the Minister insisted.   To the members of the different organising structures, the Minister cautioned them to be up to the task. He insisted that they are supposed to be courageous and happy to have been called upon to be part of this exalting and historic making event. Our main objective should be the collective organisational success of the 2020 CHAN, the Minister pinpointed.   During this very substantial ceremony that witnessed the presence of the Minister of Transport, Jean MASSENA NGALLE BIBEHE, representatives of many members of government, administrative authorities, the President of FECAFOOT, Vice President of COCAN, the logo of the organising committee was unveiled. In prelude to this installation ceremony, MINSEP, President of COCAN launched a call for contest of a National artistic competition for the proposal of the official mascot and anthem of this competition. Cameroonian Artists have up to the 15th of November 2019 to present their bids to COCAN 20 -21. It is clearly seen that, with the installation of the organisational structures of CHAN 2020 and which will be completed in the days ahead by the site committees, the preparatory events of the competition are irreversibly on the rail
The minister of Sports and Physical Education- President of the Local Organising Committee of TOTAL 2020 and TOTAL 2021 AFCON (COCAN 20-21), announces the launch of a National artistic contest competition for the proposal of the Official mascot of Cameroon 2020 Africa Nations Championship. The contest is open as from 1st November 2019 to all Cameroonian plastic arts artists The registration form and the Special Contest Rules are available at the Directorate of Tournament located at the premises of Yaounde Omnisports Stadium, in the various Regional and Divisional Delegations for Sports and Physical Education and on the website www.minsep.cm The deadline for reception of tender file that are to be submitted in both French or English, is scheduled for 15 November 2019 at 3.30pm./- Files Registration_and_semiological_description_form                                                       {phocadownload view=file|id=136|text=Registration_and_semiological_description_form|target=s} Special_rules                                                                                                             {phocadownload view=file|id=137|text=Special_rules|target=s}
On the occasion of the General Assembly of National Olympic Committees that was held recently in Doha Qatar, the Cameroonian received from the hand of the President of the National Olympic Committee, Mr. Thomas BACH, the “ACNO Award of Merit” in honors of the personalities who have contributed in an exceptional manner to advance the Olympic values and ideals and the prestige of the International Olympic Committee. This Award was presented to the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Prof. Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI during a ceremony in the conference hall of MINSEP   on the 30th of October 2019. An occasion in which the President of the Cameroon National Olympic and Sports Committee expressed his gratitude to the distinguished Cameroonian authorities for the numerous support attributed to the sports movement and its actors in order to always ensure its radiance. The Minister of Sports and Physical Education exalted the qualities of the Man of action, faith, conviction,  excellence and perseverance, whose prowess in terms of national and international sports governance remain commendable and honors our country Cameroon. This patriot, qualified by the Minister as an Indomitable Lion of sports governance is known as one of the renowned Cameroonian personalities and the most proficient in the domain of administration of international sports. In this respect, the Minister of Sports and Physical Education on behalf of the government, personnel of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education and the entire sports movement wish a sincere and warm congratulations for this high acknowledgment of international sports instance. He urged him to continue in the same vain because the Cameroonian sports, an ordeal of national unity, vector of social coexistence and cohesion, living together, according to the wishes of the President of the Republic, must contribute at all levels to influence our country. It should be noted that during this General Assembly in Qatar, the President of CNOSC signed a partnership convention with his counterpart from Qatar, the country that shall organize the 2022 World Cup. Through this convention, Cameroon, host of the 2021 Africa Football Nations Cup after the 2020 CHAN could benefit Qatar’s expertise in the domain of formation and detection of sports talents.       
A l’occasion de l’Assemblée Générale des Comités Nationaux Olympique tenue récemment à Doha au Qatar, le Camerounais a reçu des mains du Président du Comité National Olympique, Monsieur Thomas BACH, le  Prix du Mérite de l’ACNO qui honore les personnalités qui ont contribué de manière exceptionnelle à faire avancer les idéaux de l’olympisme et le prestige du Comité International Olympique. Ce prix a été présenté le 30 octobre 2019 au Ministre des Sports et de l’Education Physique, le Pr. Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI, au cours d’une cérémonie organisée dans la salle de conférences du MINSEP. Occasion pour le Président du Comité National Olympique et Sportif du Cameroun d’exprimer sa gratitude aux hautes autorités camerounaises pour les appuis multiformes qu’elles apportent au mouvement sportif et à ses acteurs en vue d’assurer toujours davantage son rayonnement. Le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education a exalté les qualités d’homme d’action, de foi, de conviction, d’excellence et de persévérance dont la moisson sur le plan de la gouvernance sportive nationale et internationale est élogieuse et honore notre pays le Cameroun. Ce patriote que le Ministre a qualifié de Lion Indomptable de la gouvernance sportive est connu et reconnu   comme l’une des personnalités camerounaises les plus connues et les plus capées dans le domaine de l’administration du sport international. A cet effet, le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education Physique lui a  présenté, au nom du Gouvernement camerounais, des personnels du Ministère des Sports et de l’Education Physique et de l’ensemble des membres du mouvement sportif,  ses sincères et chaleureuses félicitations pour cette autre haute reconnaissance des instances sportives internationales. Il lui a demandé de continuer dans la même voix de l’excellence, car le sport camerounais, creuset de l’unité, vecteur d’inclusion et de cohésion sociales et du vivre-ensemble, selon le vœu du Président de la République, Son Excellence Paul BIYA, doit contribuer davantage à tous les niveaux au rayonnement de notre pays. Il faut signaler qu’en marge  de cette Assemblée Générale du Qatar, le Président du CNOSC a signé une convention de partenariat avec son homologue du Qatar, pays qui organisera la Coupe du Monde de 2022. A travers cette convention, le Cameroun qui organise notamment la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations de 2021 après le CHAN en 2020 pourrait bénéficier de l’expertise du Qatar dans le domaine de la formation et de la détection des talents sportifs.
Le Ministre des Sports et de l’Education Physique, le Professeur Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI  a signé les 29 et 30 octobre 2019, d’importants textes portant respectivement organisation  et fonctionnement de la  Commission de veille  du CHAN 2020, désignation des membres des Commissions Techniques, des Coordonnateurs et Coordonnateurs-adjoints des sites et enfin désignation de responsables à la Commission de Veille. Décisions Décision-portant-organisation-et-fonctionnement-de-la-Commission-de-Veille-du-CHAN-2020                                                             {phocadownload view=file|id=43|text=Décision-portant-organisation-et-fonctionnement-de-la-Commission-de-Veille-du-CHAN-2020|target=s} Décision-Portant-désignation-des-membres-des-Commissions-Techniques-du-CHAN-2020                                                             {phocadownload view=file|id=44|text=Décision-Portant-désignation-des-membres-des-Commissions-Techniques-du-CHAN-2020|target=s} Décision-portant-désignation-des-Membres-des-Commission-Techniques-du-CHAN-2020_Commission-de-Veille                                                             {phocadownload view=file|id=45|text=Décision-portant-désignation-des-Membres-des-Commission-Techniques-du-CHAN-2020_Commission-de-Veille |target=s} Décision-portant-désignation-des-coordonnateurs-et-Coordonnateurs_adjoints-des-sites-du-CHAN-2020                                 {phocadownload view=file|id=129|text=Décision-portant-désignation-des-coordonnateurs-et-Coordonnateurs_adjoints-des-sites-du-CHAN-2020|target=s}

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